In a groundbreaking debut, Tencent Holdings Ltd.'s highly anticipated release of Dungeon & Fighter Mobile has shattered records in the Chinese gaming market, surpassing $140 million in player spending within its first week of availability. The game's monumental success is a testament to its widespread popularity and appeal among...
Read moreChina has taken a significant step towards bolstering its semiconductor industry by establishing the largest-ever investment fund dedicated to the development of domestic chip technology. The creation of the third phase of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund signals Beijing's commitment to achieving self-sufficiency in the face of...
Read moreIn a strategic move to strengthen its chip sector, South Korea has announced a comprehensive $19 billion package of incentives aimed at supporting key players such as Samsung Electronics Co. and SK Hynix Inc. The unveiling of this significant financial support marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing competition...
Read moreSnap Inc. CEO Evan Spiegel recently announced a strategic shift towards investing more heavily in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for Snapchat. This move comes as the company aims to enhance user engagement and overall platform experience, following successful efforts to revitalize its advertising business in recent years....
Read moreGermany is edging closer to a decision on removing key Chinese components from its 5G network infrastructure, with three of the four major government ministries supporting the move due to national security concerns. Sources familiar with the discussions reveal that the foreign, economy, and interior ministries are in favor...
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