Imagine if I told you that you could drive free unlimited website traffic to any offer at any time. How would that make you feel? Sound a bit far-fetched? Well, it’s not. But before I tell you exactly how you can do that, let me share something really important with you.
Today, there’s a reason why people pay a premium for website traffic. Think about this for a second. Ads on PPC networks like Facebook, Google, Instagram and even YouTube can run you anywhere from $1 to $50+ per click.
Yes. Per click.
Whether you can convert those clicks into leads by driving that website traffic into your sales funnels by offering an enticing lead magnet, and then those leads into customers by building a value-laced copy and solid-gold-nugget-filled email sequences, is an entirely different thing.
Just clicks. Simple little clicks. Clearly, website traffic can get expensive. And there’s a big reason for that. We’re talking about eyeballs here. Like the shopping malls of yesteryear, brands, big and small, set up shop (no pun intended) in those malls back then for one particular reason: eyeballs.
However, today those eyeballs have multiplied. Take the busiest shopping malls from a decade ago and exponentially multiply that foot traffic by a factor of millions, and you’ll have what’s happening in a single day online. We’re talking about billions of people surfing around the largest (virtual) shopping mall in the world: the internet.
How important is internet traffic? Far more important than mall traffic ever was. In 2016, 2.4 million people were searching on Google every minute. That’s minute with an “M.” On YouTube? 2.78 million per minute. In 2017, that number has climbed to 3.5 million and 4.1 million, respectively.
Considering that there are 1,440 minutes in a day, all you need to do is the math to come up with the astounding figures. The numbers are, in fact, mind-boggling. When you stop to think about 3.5 million searches per minute for 1,440 minutes of every single minute of every day, without fail, and you realize that those numbers are climbing exponentially, it can confuse, perplex and overwhelm anyone.
If you ever had a scarcity mindset about the internet and what’s happening, this should obliterate that. The exponential rate of increase is only going to accelerate. And today, if you’re not found visibility and relevantly in an online search, you can just about forget your chances for selling just about anything unless you have an endless supply of cash to reach those buyers.
The goal, then? Get in front of as many of these people as possible. Translation? Appear relevantly at the top of a buyer-intentioned search. If you can’t do that, it doesn’t matter how great your business is or how enticing your offers are, if no can find you, then you’re going to be lost in an abysmal sea of hopelessness and despair.
Further, depending on how competitive the keyword is that you’re targeting, and how lucrative the potential windfall could be from that keyword, there are likely millions of others vying to get in front of that crowd. And that’s going to cost you a pretty penny.
Now, imagine for another second if you will, that you have some money and you can afford to drive traffic to your offer. But what happens when that offer doesn’t convert? What happens when you lose your proverbial shirt spending money that, at the end of the day, you really can’t afford to spend on these ads?
Why do you think Instagram Influencers like myself and many others are paid a premium to endorse people, products and services? Because we know how to drive traffic. to any offer, anytime We’re at the helm of a vast audience. But we’re also the exceptions rather than the norm.
However, there’s another way to do exactly what we do. In fact, it’s even more powerful than being an influencer.
You see, when you can command whitewater rapids of free-flowing traffic to any offer, anytime, you can build a passive-income machine . The proverbial multiple streams of income doesn’t just apply to you; it actually defines you.
To do this, you have to learn to dominate search engines like Google. Okay, I know what you’re thinking. That’s impossible. It’s too complex. Too convoluted. Too time-consuming. And just downright unachievable.
Well, you’re wrong. It’s none of those. And it’s completely achievable. The best part? Once you get there — once you reach the proverbial top — unlimited traffic will flow like fine wine for years and years to come. The only way to stop it would be to shut down the website.
Think this sounds too good to be true? It’s not. And the one person that you need to learn how to do this from is one of the biggest authorities in the industry. He’s a person that dominates search engines for keywords like “make money online,” “money making ideas,” “passive income,” “self discipline,” “market your business online,” and more and more and more.
Learn the secret strategies to rank at the top of search engines like Google by clicking here >>
How to Drive Unlimited Free Traffic
Traffic is the lifeblood of any business . Without it, there’s no hope for the future. If you can’t get people to your website and your landing pages, you can’t get them into your funnel. And if you can’t get them into your funnel, your chances for churning a profit are slim to none.
What most people don’t realize is that almost anyone can drive free unlimited traffic for life to any offer, anytime. Think you need to be an Instagram influencer to do this? Nope. Think again. Need a massive real-world presence? Nope. Think again.
All you need is an understanding of the UTS Formula. Once you have that, the sky is the proverbial limit. You see, not only will you figure out how to drive unlimited free traffic to any offer, anytime, but you’ll also eventually become an authority in your industry or niche.
Want to know how the UTS formula works? Jump in and download the ebook here. Then, register for the free master class training where you’ll learn the secrets behind driving tons of buyer-intentioned traffic. Not just window shoppers. We’re talking about people who are ready, able and willing to buy on the spot.
Imagine what this type of training or knowledge can mean to your business? Imagine being able to dominate, not just at the top of Google for a random search, but for a buyer-intentioned search. That’s the goal. That’s the dream. But it’s very much achievable as long as you take the right approach.
There are two ways to do this. Depending on where you are with your website and how important it is, will dictate the steps you need to take. The important thing to understand is that if you want to rank at the top of a search relevantly, then you need trust. Google’s trust that is. How do you do that? Here are the two ways.
- Earn trust (could take years) — to earn Google’s trust, you have to consistently post excellent content week after week, month after month and year after year. That’s a lot of work. If you’re prepared to do that (or you’ve already done that), then good on you. But not everyone has time as a luxury. You probably don’t have it as well.
- Buy trust (can happen instantly, overnight) Go here to learn how to do that— the other way to get Google’s trust is to buy it. You can purchase existing websites that are already trusted by Google. All you need to do is learn how to research those websites and grab the right one to target the keywords that you’re after. .
Driving Traffic Through Trust
Want to know how to earn Google’s trust to drive website traffic anywhere? It’s actually not that complicated. There are three components to Google’s trust. If you can master these three components, then you can drive near-limitless amounts of buyer-intentioned website traffic to any offer at anytime:
- Indexed Age — there’s not much you can do to force age. But if you have a new website, you’ll have a hard time ranking for most keywords. That’s why buying an existing website that has trust through age is a great strategy to take. You can use to do this (but if you want to learn how to research those websites, then grab this ebook here).
- Website Authority — authority is basically your link profile. How many people have linked to you over time? This isn’t about blasting thousands of links. Nope. This is about link quality and also the underlying context that those links are coming from (i.e. organic articles versus footer or sidebar links).
- Content Quality — the quality of the content is more important than anyone could possibly realize. If you’re building subpar content, then you’re wasting your time. You have to focus on quality content that adds a ton of value and is engaging to visitors (i.e. they stick around for a while).
There are loads of strategies you can use to rank your content. But you have to focus on quality over quantity. That’s just how it goes because Google is looking for real-world value.
However, when you know what you’re doing, ranking for even tougher keywords is straightforward and possible as long as you hit a few key points. What’s more? You can leverage pre-existing authority websites on the internet to rank your content super-quick even if you don’t have your own website.
Most people don’t know about this, but this is the number one way that content marketers get offers in front of the masses by leveraging these authority sites.
And when it comes to the content itself, buyer-intentioned keywords is the surest pathway forward. These are also called long-tail keywords, which are 3 or 4 or more words in a search. For example, instead of “shoes” you would target a keywords like “best nike sneakers for men.” See the difference?
Take a look at this image and you’ll understand why long-tail keywords are important to target instead of short-tail keywords. Keep in mind that the longer the keyword, the further along the visitor will be in the buyer’s cycle.
Obviously, there’s no brief way to discuss how you can drive loads of website traffic. To summarize, you should create buyer-intention content that targets the right keywords. If you want to learn how to do specifically just that, be sure to download the ebook and register for the master class to learn more.
Other points for crafting your content are to ensure that you section your content off and create a high-quality image that isn’t blurry and is also indicative of whatever topic you’re discussing. Make sure that you have the rights to use that photo in your work, and if you need to give credit for it, do it properly.
The primary image is pretty important. You should also give it a relevant name that’s descriptive of the keywords, while assigning a relevant alternative tag to it as well. When it comes to keyword density, there is no set density for an article. The point to keep in mind is that it has to be written for humans while also targeting search engines.
One thing you definitely shouldn’t try to do is to use the same keyword over and over. This is called stuffing and it won’t help you. In fact, it will hurt you. Focus on what are called LSI keywords but ensure that the content is very organic sounding in nature. Don’t force it. Think about deliver value and avoid trying to do too much “sculpting.”
For more details, jump into our master class. See you on the inside!
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